Get Out of The Payday Loan Trap Now!

About Us

We are 100% Canadian owned and licensed in the Province of Ontario. You can also rest assured that all your personal information is safe with us. We do not subcontract any of our business process to any other business or offshore entities. Everything is done in Canada by our team.


Our Mission – To get you out of the payday loan trap!

We want to help our clients to get out of the Payday loan trap! We understand that payday loans are a great product to use when life throws unexpected expenses in your way. 

However most payday loan companies out there will gladly lend you the money hoping to trap you in a vicious circle where you will be stuck having to pay and re-borrow on every payday. In this day and age where most families are living from paycheck to paycheck, who can afford to borrow $500 and repay as much as $605 on their next payday? It forces you into taking another loan to still be able to pay your regular bills. That is why we introduced longer repayment terms that let you pay your loan over 60 days instead of paying it in full at your next payday.


Friendly and understanding service if you are unable to make your payment 

We have the best customer friendly policies in the industry. If you can’t make a payment, we can discuss the issues and find solutions without any outrageous late charges like the other guys do. All that we ask is that you take your responsibilities seriously and call us before you miss your payment. 

With prior knowledge we may be able to let you postpone your payment or reduce your payment amount without any kind of financial penalty.